La Maza Blues 8 - 2012

, por EdeN

La Maza Blues 2012 - programa 08

La Maza Blues estrena nuevo CD de Jimmy thackery!!

La Maza Blues: Estamos de estreno! en este momento estoy editando el programa 8 de la maza blues, temporada 2012, en el que vamos a estrenar el NUEVO CD de Jimmy Thackery and the drivers "As live as it gets", un doble en vivo junto a JP Soars y los Hydraulic horns.

El disco fue grabado durante el 2011 en los shows qye Thackery dio en el marco del Legendary Rhythm & Blues Cruise.

La totalidad del programa estara dedicada a este trabajo que incluye originales de Jimmy asi como versiones de Guitar Slim, Johnny guitar Watson, Muddy Waters, HE Owens y J.B. Lenoir.

01 - A letter to my girlfriend - Jimmy thackery and the drivers - As live as it gets - 2012

02 - Kickin chicken - Jimmy thackery and the drivers - As live as it gets - 2012

03 - Gangster of love - Jimmy thackery and the drivers - As live as it gets - 2012

04 - Feel the heat - Jimmy thackery and the drivers - As live as it gets - 2012

05 - The hustle is on - Jimmy thackery and the drivers - As live as it gets - 2012

06 - Ive been down so long - Jimmy thackery and the drivers - As live as it gets - 2012